วันเสาร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

show me yours rachel crawford [Free E-Book]

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show me yours rachel crawford
When Josh shows up on Trey's doorstep with a request for help, it could well be an unmitigated disaster. But Trey finds he can't say no. This is Josh asking Trey to lend a hand. Josh, the guy who still pushes every other man Trey ever looked at to second place. So Trey's going to take the chance and say yes. He's going to grab a few days with the straight guy he never stopped loving, take what crumbs he can get, and damn the consequences. Although those consequences may not turn out to be the ones Trey's expecting.

Cadit : goodreads.comshow me yours rachel crawford

